The Declaration
A Scottish Parliament with far greater responsibility for raising the money it spends would lead to better government in Scotland. It would make politicians more accountable for the financial decisions they take while giving them both the incentive and the fiscal tools necessary to achieve improved public services and faster economic growth – vital in the current economic circumstances. Further, it would help to foster a healthy relationship between Westminster and Holyrood.
All of the main Scottish and UK parties agree that the Scottish Parliament should have greater financial powers. The debate is now about which powers should be devolved and when.
Much has changed in the last year and the opportunity now exists to go further than the limited financial proposals outlined in the Calman Commission report.
Therefore, we are calling for the control of most current taxes to be devolved to the Scottish Parliament as soon as possible.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Today I watched the Tax debate from Holyrood on the Parliament TV channel. BBC did not carry it and the BBC Democracy Live channel was frozen with no output, (I wonder why.)
BBC Reporting Scotland, which I just watched carried John Swinneys expression of regret at his handling of the affair, at the end of that expression of regret the BBC cut to a shot of Alex Salmond shaking his head from side to side with an Ooo expression on his face, so that it looked as if he was actually mocking Swinney.
The head shaking Ooo shot was in fact made by Salmond, after a remark made by Tavish Scott.
The BBC are once more accused by me of dishonesty and manipulation of events to discredit the SNP. Their agenda was never more blatantly, and aggressively displayed than in that one manipulated re edited shot.
I further accuse the BBC of disseminating lies and propaganda, to the detriment of Scottish licence payers and the SNP.
1. The Scottish Government inherited an SVR system that had already ‘lapsed’
2. HMRC, whose agreement with the previous administration for £50,000 a year had come to an end, demanded millions of pounds in order to make the ‘tartan tax’ available for 2009.
3. The Scottish Government spent the time between 2007 and 2010 attempting to gain solid information as to the cost and efficiency of the IT upgrades required.
4. In 2010 HMRC informed the Scottish Government that they were to pay £7 million in order to have the SVR ready for 2013-14, they had three weeks to pay.
5. The Scottish Government got no response when attempting to clarify what the £7 million was for.
I further accuse the BBC of disseminating lies and propaganda, to the detriment of Scottish licence payers and the SNP.
1. The Scottish Government inherited an SVR system that had already ‘lapsed’
2. HMRC, whose agreement with the previous administration for £50,000 a year had come to an end, demanded millions of pounds in order to make the ‘tartan tax’ available for 2009.
3. The Scottish Government spent the time between 2007 and 2010 attempting to gain solid information as to the cost and efficiency of the IT upgrades required.
4. In 2010 HMRC informed the Scottish Government that they were to pay £7 million in order to have the SVR ready for 2013-14, they had three weeks to pay.
5. The Scottish Government got no response when attempting to clarify what the £7 million was for.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Scottish Budget.
The scenes in FMQs today were a disgrace to that place. The Labour benches have shown once more how bereft they are of positive policies for Scotland as they bay and howl like mad dogs in a kennel Andy Kerrs speech yesterday was toecurling boak inducing ranting of the kind only he can produce. No wonder his gaffer stood out side with the Union demo. His excuse was that he would rather do that standing with people protecting jobs than listen to the budget. yet he was standing with people who are advocating no cuts in their budgets, which is the one thing guaranteed to loose there jobs. So Salmonds line that gray was standing campaigning against his own policies was accurate and showed us once more the hypocrisy of this ranting red faced man who surely cannot be ever considered by any one as a credible First Minister. There is to much hate and bitterness there.
Joan McAlpine has an excellent article in the Guardian and on her Blog on the budget and covers all the arguments for an independent Scottish Government.
Joan McAlpine has an excellent article in the Guardian and on her Blog on the budget and covers all the arguments for an independent Scottish Government.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Irelands economy.
The campaign to talk down Ireland is similar to what Scotland experiences each day at the hands of London. However it seems that the political elite now wish Ireland to subjugate themselves even further to the great EU machine in order that they may never again toy with the idea of independence from the EU. Rupert Van Pimpledick, the Belgian dwarf whose rise to the most powerful position in Europe shocked us all, has announced that if Ireland refuse to bend the knee, it is all over.
This particular warrior says “good bloody riddance,” we are over governed and there are far too many snouts in the trough sooking up my tax. I can understand the need for NATO, but the EU itself is there primarily for French farmers, German industrialists and Belgian administrators. Time to bring the edifice down it has become riddled with greed and corruption, a reflection of London. Scotland does indeed deserve much better and we can deliver it through Edinburgh.
17 November 2010 Last updated at 09:21
Sunday, 14 November 2010
They shall grow not old,
As we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them.
Television and the MSM diverts our attention.
Television diverts our attention
Newsnet Scotland have an excellent take on the whole shebang and it exposes the MSM in Scotland as the duplicitous conniving treacherous bunch of wet fags they are. Talk about being owned? Unfortunately (for those of a weak disposition) they have put up a photograph of the child Richard Baker. Labours so called shadow justice secretary. As buffoons go the word must have been invented for this odious little twerp. He has a face that I would never tire of slapping.
The other thing that springs to mind was the business conference in Holyrood last week when Rupert “Bunter” Soames stood up and blabbered about unrealistic Scottish government renewable targets. Up until then the only thing I knew about the Soames was that his father Lord Soames is a rabid unionist Tory, who regards Scotland as a grouse moor. Apparently Rupert was a not very good barman at Annabels nightclub after he went “up” to Oxford. He is now CEO of Aggreko, the generator hire company. Quite how that qualifies him to be the worlds expert on renewables will remain one of these unionist mysteries. Apart that is from daddies contacts and cheque book.
What is of great interest though is how he came to be there in the first place, and who got him there. I have registered a question to that effect with Holyrood and they have promised me an answer. My money is on Lord Foulkes.
The story first came to my attention on the lunch time BBC news from “where you are” when the lovely Catriona trilled charmingly to Douglas Fraser, ( who was primed on the steps of Holyrood, with chapter and verse on the Soames sound bites,) “how embarrassing is this for Alex Salmond.” You could almost hear Foulkes sniggering into his glass.
The BBC ran it on rep. Scot. and Newsnicht and The Scotsman picked it up yesterday. I posted these very points on the Scotsmans asylum forum, a few hours later all the comments were wiped out, and it closed. Maddox had struck.
I make no apologies for posting in a similar vein earlier this cannot be said often enough.
I need to add this thanks to rab on the Caley..
Back-bench poltroonery returned when Lewis Macdonald (Lab), he of the stickie-oot bum and the stickie-up heid, had at go at the Nats about carbon capture. Eck said he was surprised by this “because the framework we put forward for carbon capture in Scotland was identical to the framework put forward by the Secretary of the Department of Energy and Climate Change. The name of that Secretary was Ed Miliband.” Whoops!
Hardman Kenny Gibson (SNP) castigated the “hollowness and blatant opportunism” of Labour’s position, while Tory man-about-town (well, I saw him in the Ocean Terminal shopping centre last weekend) Gavin Brown claimed that a highly respected expert called Rupert Soames – surprisingly not from the Gorbals, but from Eton and Oxford – had ripped apart the Nats’ energy policy last week.
Alas, Eck had the speech before him and noted that it was actually all about UK energy policy, except the penultimate paragraph which, even then, only referred to Scotland, according to Eck, “because we have to pay account, as it says, to what is happening in England and Wales”.
Mr McSoames had apparently said you couldn’t generate more than 10 per cent of your energy from wind. Eck: “We already do in Scotland.” O’Soames had also referred to the retiral of oil-fired power-generators. Eck: “We don’t have any in Scotland.”
Ach well. Nice try, Gavin. It was good to hear him and decent MSPs of all parties. At FMQs, they’re essentially just there to make up the numbers, but they’re the cannon-fodder of democracy and, as such, if I might make an uncharacteristically cheap joke, they should all be fired.
I make no apologies for posting in a similar vein earlier this cannot be said often enough.
I need to add this thanks to rab on the Caley..
Back-bench poltroonery returned when Lewis Macdonald (Lab), he of the stickie-oot bum and the stickie-up heid, had at go at the Nats about carbon capture. Eck said he was surprised by this “because the framework we put forward for carbon capture in Scotland was identical to the framework put forward by the Secretary of the Department of Energy and Climate Change. The name of that Secretary was Ed Miliband.” Whoops!
Hardman Kenny Gibson (SNP) castigated the “hollowness and blatant opportunism” of Labour’s position, while Tory man-about-town (well, I saw him in the Ocean Terminal shopping centre last weekend) Gavin Brown claimed that a highly respected expert called Rupert Soames – surprisingly not from the Gorbals, but from Eton and Oxford – had ripped apart the Nats’ energy policy last week.
Alas, Eck had the speech before him and noted that it was actually all about UK energy policy, except the penultimate paragraph which, even then, only referred to Scotland, according to Eck, “because we have to pay account, as it says, to what is happening in England and Wales”.
Mr McSoames had apparently said you couldn’t generate more than 10 per cent of your energy from wind. Eck: “We already do in Scotland.” O’Soames had also referred to the retiral of oil-fired power-generators. Eck: “We don’t have any in Scotland.”
Ach well. Nice try, Gavin. It was good to hear him and decent MSPs of all parties. At FMQs, they’re essentially just there to make up the numbers, but they’re the cannon-fodder of democracy and, as such, if I might make an uncharacteristically cheap joke, they should all be fired.
Friday, 12 November 2010
BBC propaganda from Holyrood.
The BBC are never short of ideas when it comes to anti SNP bombast. Catriona Shearer on the lunch time slot today was positively brimming with it when she asked Douglas Fraser at Holyrood, “how embarrassing is this for Alex Salmond” in response to the remarks made by Rupert Soames the son of Lord Soames and CEO of Aggreko that the Scottish Governments plans on power generation for the future were in his opinion “unrealistic.”
No reasons were offered just rhetoric from a Tory toff full of self-interest. Yet, the BBC was on it like a dog on a bone. Was there nothing positive to come from that conference that could also have been reported? Where were the real business men in the shape of McColl, Farmer and Soutar. People who did it the hard way, not on daddies cheque book and contacts.
What is the betting that this will feature heavily on reporting Scotland, and be the headline on Newsnicht, with little reply from the SNP.
What would be interesting to find out would be by what route did Rupert find himself invited to speak at this during a Business in Parliament conference. Of course we need to hear all shades of opinion, but backed up by some substance. I wonder which MSP invited him there. My betting is on Foulkes, this was classic Foulkes back stabbing.. The BBC will feed on it for weeks.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Excellent news. As far as I am concerned every single member of the Labour party should be put on trial for lies, fraud and war crimes. I hope the vile bastards end up bankrupt and destitute.......Time for a revolution.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
November 3, 2010 posted by Debbie Menon
The tag line of a popular American television series about a US counterterrorism group—“Not every conspiracy is a theory”—is apt. The hidden purposes behind the current government-media campaign remain unclear, but one thing is certain: no trust should be placed in any of the information being given out.
November 3, 2010 posted by Debbie Menon
The tag line of a popular American television series about a US counterterrorism group—“Not every conspiracy is a theory”—is apt. The hidden purposes behind the current government-media campaign remain unclear, but one thing is certain: no trust should be placed in any of the information being given out.
Monday, 1 November 2010
BBC anti Scottish bias.
Plenty has been blogged about this, not least since the Question Time programme last Thursday. The BBC make no secret now of their hostility to the SNP and Scottish independence. They know as we do that OFCOM is in their pocket.Obviously Scottish independence will have a direct impact on their licence fee that they now use a private compqany to exthort. At least Mr Turpin wore a mask.
There is now an online petition to object to the BBCs shocking treatment of Scotland on a site called 38 Degrees where you can vent your spleen and add your name to the petition as I have.
Dear person who has no name,
In view of your lamentable excuse for Dimblebys bigotry, what was the point of broadcasting from Glasgow? Your excuse does not stand up to scrutiny, the viewers in Scotland are not as guilible as you obviously think they are. The BBC in Scotland are an irrelevance and are seen as no more than a propaganda tool for Unionism in which it has a vested interest.
Nicola Sturgeon, Deputy First Minister of Scotland, being told by the chair David Dimbleby when she raised the subject of ‘fiscal autonomy’ that the programme was ‘for a UK audience’, a point he repeatedly made to shut her up.
Scotlands fiscal autonomy has a huge affect on the "wider UK audience," who because of the Londoncentric BBC know nothing more than the lie that the Scots are subsidy junkies living high on the hog on English taxes. You perpetuate this lie, as you did when the bigoted tones of Baroness Deech was broadcast on the Eddie Mair programme. Not the first time the BBC has had to apologise for telling lies on Scotland.
You owe us a few more apologies.
Hugh Hendry (not to be confused with the Scottish Labour MSP of similar name), but Scots-born hedge fund provocateur talking about the idiocies of ‘fiscal levers’ and how it would not help the construction industry or create one new job. He clearly had no idea what he was talking about, but was able unchallenged to babble away at great length. Loving the sound of his own voice and so in love with him self that if he was chocolate he would have gobbled him self up. What relevance has that spiv got to the UK and Scotland, apart from his cringing subservience to money and London, and the brutal torture of terrorists suspects.
All of this wasn’t a one off because five minutes later when Sturgeon dared to mention the subject of Scottish independence – the official policy of Scotland’s Government – she was told by Dimbleby not to raise it.
Dimbleby’s third insight into the nature of the UK was in a question about the use of torture, where he allowed himself to bring up the Scottish Government’s release of al-Megrahi, and then brought in each of the other four panellists – bar the Deputy First Minister of Scotland. So pardon me if I laugh out loud when I read your "One of his key roles as chairman is to keep panellists to the specific question under discussion and not to potentially divert to other party political points." Please do not be so patronising and smug.
Apart from Dimbleby’s three strikes – ‘Question Time’ was dominated in time, priorities and noise, by talking about the government’s proposed cuts to housing benefit. This was completely taken up with a discussion about London and the housing market and economy of central London, a pivotal issue for the British political classes and media, but as a London topic – a minority issue if ever there was one to the vast majority of the people of the UK. Nearly 16 minutes of the programme from Glasgow dominated by the Boris question of no relevance what ever. Anything to supress Scottish voices. And demonstrate how superior the City of London is in the mind of the BBC luvvies to Scotland. Keep the jocks in their place, eh what.
This is about more than one episode of a programme, ‘Question Time’ per se, or the conceit of a Dimbleby.
It is instead about how the BBC and wider media and political classes don’t get – and increasingly don’t understand the nature of Britain – and importantly to us north of the border, Scotland’s status, place and voice.
Scottish independence will happen and the more the BBC tries to keep the lid on Scottish public opinion the greater will be the surge for independence. The history pages on BBC Scotland are running a poll on independence which ir running at 80% for at the moment. The BBC and its Unionist sympathies have become something of a joke on this side of the wall, a bit like Yes Minister.
It is significant that you ignored the point about Megrahi or the Boris question, simply because you have no answer. Ignore Scotland at your peril. Much better all round to reflect the views of the country than to suppress. Just look at what happened to the USSR, it never works.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> Sent: 02/11/10 02:38 PM
> To: ******************
> Subject: Complaint Response CAS-379069-6RFR7Q
> Dear ******************
> Thanks for your feedback regarding ‘Question Time’ broadcast on 28 October 2010.
> We appreciate some viewers felt chairman David Dimbleby showed anti-Scottish bias by reminding Scotland's Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon about the programme’s wider UK audience.
> ‘Question Time’ approaches every edition with a broad and wide-ranging remit, covering the major events in the political landscape during the week. We travel across the UK, and local examples are often cited by audience members to highlight a wider point. However this does not mean that the programme seeks to discuss only regionally-specific matters.
> On this occasion the panel were expressing their sentiments on the announcement of the most recent GDP figures for the UK. During this discussion Deputy First Minister Sturgeon said “there’s another point on growth, it’s important for a Scottish audience”.
> David simply interjected to remind Deputy First Minister Sturgeon that not only was she speaking to the studio audience in Glasgow but also to viewers across the UK.
> One of his key roles as chairman is to keep panellists to the specific question under discussion and not to potentially divert to other party political points. He was not stopping her from raising a regional/national point - as has been heard in recent weeks with the al-Megrahi case or the Corus steelworks matter - but simply reminding her of the core programme need for this point to resonate with and be relevant to a UK-wide BBC One audience.
> Thanks for taking the time to contact us.
> Kind Regards
> BBC Audience Services
> ______________________________________________________________________
Plenty has been blogged about this, not least since the Question Time programme last Thursday. The BBC make no secret now of their hostility to the SNP and Scottish independence. They know as we do that OFCOM is in their pocket.Obviously Scottish independence will have a direct impact on their licence fee that they now use a private compqany to exthort. At least Mr Turpin wore a mask.
There is now an online petition to object to the BBCs shocking treatment of Scotland on a site called 38 Degrees where you can vent your spleen and add your name to the petition as I have.
Dear person who has no name,
In view of your lamentable excuse for Dimblebys bigotry, what was the point of broadcasting from Glasgow? Your excuse does not stand up to scrutiny, the viewers in Scotland are not as guilible as you obviously think they are. The BBC in Scotland are an irrelevance and are seen as no more than a propaganda tool for Unionism in which it has a vested interest.
Nicola Sturgeon, Deputy First Minister of Scotland, being told by the chair David Dimbleby when she raised the subject of ‘fiscal autonomy’ that the programme was ‘for a UK audience’, a point he repeatedly made to shut her up.
Scotlands fiscal autonomy has a huge affect on the "wider UK audience," who because of the Londoncentric BBC know nothing more than the lie that the Scots are subsidy junkies living high on the hog on English taxes. You perpetuate this lie, as you did when the bigoted tones of Baroness Deech was broadcast on the Eddie Mair programme. Not the first time the BBC has had to apologise for telling lies on Scotland.
You owe us a few more apologies.
Hugh Hendry (not to be confused with the Scottish Labour MSP of similar name), but Scots-born hedge fund provocateur talking about the idiocies of ‘fiscal levers’ and how it would not help the construction industry or create one new job. He clearly had no idea what he was talking about, but was able unchallenged to babble away at great length. Loving the sound of his own voice and so in love with him self that if he was chocolate he would have gobbled him self up. What relevance has that spiv got to the UK and Scotland, apart from his cringing subservience to money and London, and the brutal torture of terrorists suspects.
All of this wasn’t a one off because five minutes later when Sturgeon dared to mention the subject of Scottish independence – the official policy of Scotland’s Government – she was told by Dimbleby not to raise it.
Dimbleby’s third insight into the nature of the UK was in a question about the use of torture, where he allowed himself to bring up the Scottish Government’s release of al-Megrahi, and then brought in each of the other four panellists – bar the Deputy First Minister of Scotland. So pardon me if I laugh out loud when I read your "One of his key roles as chairman is to keep panellists to the specific question under discussion and not to potentially divert to other party political points." Please do not be so patronising and smug.
Apart from Dimbleby’s three strikes – ‘Question Time’ was dominated in time, priorities and noise, by talking about the government’s proposed cuts to housing benefit. This was completely taken up with a discussion about London and the housing market and economy of central London, a pivotal issue for the British political classes and media, but as a London topic – a minority issue if ever there was one to the vast majority of the people of the UK. Nearly 16 minutes of the programme from Glasgow dominated by the Boris question of no relevance what ever. Anything to supress Scottish voices. And demonstrate how superior the City of London is in the mind of the BBC luvvies to Scotland. Keep the jocks in their place, eh what.
This is about more than one episode of a programme, ‘Question Time’ per se, or the conceit of a Dimbleby.
It is instead about how the BBC and wider media and political classes don’t get – and increasingly don’t understand the nature of Britain – and importantly to us north of the border, Scotland’s status, place and voice.
Scottish independence will happen and the more the BBC tries to keep the lid on Scottish public opinion the greater will be the surge for independence. The history pages on BBC Scotland are running a poll on independence which ir running at 80% for at the moment. The BBC and its Unionist sympathies have become something of a joke on this side of the wall, a bit like Yes Minister.
It is significant that you ignored the point about Megrahi or the Boris question, simply because you have no answer. Ignore Scotland at your peril. Much better all round to reflect the views of the country than to suppress. Just look at what happened to the USSR, it never works.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> Sent: 02/11/10 02:38 PM
> To: ******************
> Subject: Complaint Response CAS-379069-6RFR7Q
> Dear ******************
> Thanks for your feedback regarding ‘Question Time’ broadcast on 28 October 2010.
> We appreciate some viewers felt chairman David Dimbleby showed anti-Scottish bias by reminding Scotland's Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon about the programme’s wider UK audience.
> ‘Question Time’ approaches every edition with a broad and wide-ranging remit, covering the major events in the political landscape during the week. We travel across the UK, and local examples are often cited by audience members to highlight a wider point. However this does not mean that the programme seeks to discuss only regionally-specific matters.
> On this occasion the panel were expressing their sentiments on the announcement of the most recent GDP figures for the UK. During this discussion Deputy First Minister Sturgeon said “there’s another point on growth, it’s important for a Scottish audience”.
> David simply interjected to remind Deputy First Minister Sturgeon that not only was she speaking to the studio audience in Glasgow but also to viewers across the UK.
> One of his key roles as chairman is to keep panellists to the specific question under discussion and not to potentially divert to other party political points. He was not stopping her from raising a regional/national point - as has been heard in recent weeks with the al-Megrahi case or the Corus steelworks matter - but simply reminding her of the core programme need for this point to resonate with and be relevant to a UK-wide BBC One audience.
> Thanks for taking the time to contact us.
> Kind Regards
> BBC Audience Services
> ______________________________________________________________________
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