Friday, 6 March 2009


From Mark Calney,Los Angeles
(California Democratic Party activist)
I saw Broon speaking live on the television to the US Congress yesterday. I was absolutely amazed. He sounded as if he represented some poor undeveloped nation in Africa or Asia and not the British Empire. Emblematic was his absurd attack on off-shore tax havens, as if the British banking houses and un-Commonwealth had nothing to do with the matter - from the Jersey Isles to the Caribbean - ad naseum. That was dire pandering to populism. If the British oligarchy truly wanted to shut down its illegal banking practices, it would already have been done. And his faint praise of FDR to promote a new British-dominated Bretton Woods System carried more of the stench of fawning propitiation than one of dominance. There is amble and hysterical concern amongst the vassals of the Empire that their "special relationship" with the U.S.A. is in dire jeopardy. The President did remove Winnie's bust from the Oval Office (much to the world's relief) and did snub the Broon. Witness today's edition of the London "Tory-agraph" that attacks Micelle Obama as the "Lady MacBeth" behind the President's refusal to bend his knee to her Majesty's PM. If the President continues to act in the footsteps of FDR, the British oligarchy may scream and flail but the rest of humanity will rightfully rejoice.

I also received a short report from our youth that attended the special seminar at the Washington DC Library of Congress on Robert Burns sponsored by Scotland. They were quite excited and thought that what Alex Salmond presented was quite good.

All my best,

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